On the other hand , early and regular eye check - up for gene carriers , for instance in primary open angle glaucoma ( pogo ) will enable detection of the eye disease early enough that timely and appropriate treatment can prevent deterioration of the eye conditions , leading to a more favorable final clinical outcome 另一方面,带有原发性开角型青光眼基因变异的病人如果能早作常规眼部检查,在早期及时作出适当治疗,亦可以避免病情恶化。
By detecting carriers of disease causing gene mutations in artist individuals , some eye diseases could be prevented by avoiding the environmental risk factors . for example , the risk of developing aggregated macular degeneration ( arm ) will be reduced by avoiding a high cholesterol diet , smoking and excessive sunlight exposure in arm gene carriers 透过侦察出带有眼病基因变异的家庭成员,许多眼病都可以透过环境因素而得以预防,例如有老年性黄斑退化基因变异的病人可以透过避免高胆固醇饮食、吸烟及眼睛接触过量的紫外光而减少发病的机会。